Sunday, March 29, 2009

2 year old stats!

Jaxon's 2 year well check was a week ago. He is 27lbs (25 percentile) and 34in (50 percentile). He is able to ride his tricycle down the street and back! He gets a little frustrated going uphill against the wind and then he will ride it "Fred Flinstone" style (running his feet). So far he hasn't hit the "terrible twos" really yet! Thank the Lord! I took Jaxon to "Jump In" last week, a play place with 3 rooms of bounce houses, anyway he loved it. His favorite thing was climbing the 15 foot wall and sliding down the other side! He was like a 2 year old marine! He did it all by himself even the first time. If he missed his feet he would continue to hold on until he found the foot block. I have it on video, but unfortunately I can't get our software on our computer to work!

Riding his tricycle.

Wrestling with his referee from his party!

Still helping with his trash!

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